1.1 Camera

Brooklyn 99 Video:


B99 questions and answers

Evaluation of Task

This project tasked us to remake a Brooklyn 99 Style Intro with our own footage and editing. We initially filmed the footage in groups however did post production by ourselves. I believe this project went well as I ended with an Intro which is easily resembles that of the Brooklyn 99 one.

During this task I used a few skills such as masking and colour skills in premiere pro and camera skills when it came to recording. I also used some award worthy acting when we were creating the footage (I wish). 

The skills I found that were challenged in this project were my camera skills because I do not know my way around a DSLR camera the best so I did not know how to change the focus. This resulted in our footage all being really unfocused making it harder to edit - because of the blur - and less enjoyable to watch. 

If we were to carry out the production of this task again I would make sure to check the focus of the camera to ensure that there is no blur on the footage and it is of the highest quality.

If we were to do this task again, In post production I would spend more time on the lower third title boxes as in the current video I believe I added too much blur to the box causing it to look a bit funny.

During the group portion of this task I believe I worked well to contribute my ideas and listen to others to make sure everyone got to express their ideas to help make the intro the best possible.

When it came to post production, we had to work Independently; I got on well working independently and I could move at my own pace and experiment with ideas that other people in a group might like to steer away from in order to stay safe and save time, sticking to the absolute basic idea for the task.

Overall in this project out of all the parts, my favourite part was the overall editing. I enjoyed this the most as I enjoyed seeing the video come together and go from three separate pieces of footage, eventually combining into one piece with colour and effects.

I learned and Improved skills in this project which I could use in order to help ensure my future projects are of a high standard. An example of this is the masking skill, this can be used during future videos projects in premiere pro or photoshop. Another skill I learnt how to do was focus the camera (A bit to late for this project) which will ensure that any photography or other video work I do will be of high quality. Overall this project has helped me to build and develop skills in which I will use and need for other projects in the future.

Evaluation of Task

This project tasked us to remake a Brooklyn 99 Style Intro with our own footage and editing. We initially filmed the footage in groups however did post production by ourselves. I believe this project went well as I ended with an Intro which is easily resembles that of the Brooklyn 99 one.

During this task I used a few skills such as masking and colour skills in premiere pro and camera skills when it came to recording. I also used some award worthy acting when we were creating the footage (I wish). 

The skills I found that were challenged in this project were my camera skills because I do not know my way around a DSLR camera the best so I did not know how to change the focus. This resulted in our footage all being really unfocused making it harder to edit - because of the blur - and less enjoyable to watch. 

If we were to carry out the production of this task again I would make sure to check the focus of the camera to ensure that there is no blur on the footage and it is of the highest quality.

If we were to do this task again, In post production I would spend more time on the lower third title boxes as in the current video I believe I added too much blur to the box causing it to look a bit funny.

During the group portion of this task I believe I worked well to contribute my ideas and listen to others to make sure everyone got to express their ideas to help make the intro the best possible.

When it came to post production, we had to work Independently; I got on well working independently and I could move at my own pace and experiment with ideas that other people in a group might like to steer away from in order to stay safe and save time, sticking to the absolute basic idea for the task.

Overall in this project out of all the parts, my favourite part was the overall editing. I enjoyed this the most as I enjoyed seeing the video come together and go from three separate pieces of footage, eventually combining into one piece with colour and effects.

I learned and Improved skills in this project which I could use in order to help ensure my future projects are of a high standard. An example of this is the masking skill, this can be used during future videos projects in premiere pro or photoshop. Another skill I learnt how to do was focus the camera (A bit to late for this project) which will ensure that any photography or other video work I do will be of high quality. Overall this project has helped me to build and develop skills in which I will use and need for other projects in the future.

Photography basic analysis

Basic Analysis 1

I am analysing this piece of Urban Photography by Henry Hwu.

This photography captures a person covered in black clothing and surrounded by a black night time sky.

In this photograph I really like the contrast of colours. The subject of the photograph is primarily wearing black clothes which is complimented by the night time sky however contrasted by the bright white of the walkway the person is standing on. It is almost like the white represents goodness.

In the back
ground of the photograph you can see a silhouette of what looks to be a tree. I like this as it adds a bit of detail into the photo. 

I dislike the text which is placed directly into the middle of the photograph because it almost implies that the photo is an advert, removing peoples want to be curious about the photo.

Basic Analysis 2

I am analysing this piece of Urban Photography by Henry Hwu.

This photograph shows the city of Dubai and what appears to be a droplet with a inverted reflection of the same landscape.

In this photo I really like how clearly the subject stands out. This is done because they have blurred out the background which leaves the subject (the droplet) in clear view.

Photography advanced analysis

Analysis 1

Photography by Henry Hwu

In this photo there is a woman which appears to be crossing a road.

This photo comes with no context. I believe that this is a good thing because it allows for people to perceive what the woman is doing differently.

The lighting levels of this shot are very continuous and it is lit the same across everything. This helps to indicate the woman is in a outside location

I really like that the framing of the photo includes it being taken from above. This allows the audience of the photo to see the main subject of the photo - the woman - and the environment around her.



Rule of Thirds

Rule of thirds photography is where the picture is split up into three rows of three to make up a total of nine segments. Where the lines join around the middle segments are the key focus point for where people tend to look first in a photo. This is why framing important things at that point is key. Most Camera's and Phones have a feature which allows you to put a grid on the viewer. In this photo Thomas' hand is on one of the points, along with the bin which clearly shows the the viewer he is going to throw the item he is holding into the bin.

With rule of thirds you should use it to split the horizon and give space to a photo.

Central Framing

Central Framing is where the main subject of the photo is framed and focused on directly in the middle of the photo. This type of framing can often be used in sad situations to show a person alone flodded with emotion. In this photo we are focusing on the subject ascending stairs alone, you do not see the face allowing for people to imagine the situation.

Frame in Frame

Frame In Frame is where in the photo you use a physical frame within a the framed photo.

Foreground/ Mid-ground / Background

This type of show consists of something in each part of the frame. In this photo the bin is in the foreground, the people in the Mid-Ground and the Building in the background.

Homework: Photos By Family Member

 Rule Of Thirds

Central Framing

 Frame in Frame


Camera Settings Photos

Photo's - Playing with Camera Settings

1/125   F13  ISO Auto

1/4000  F18  ISO Auto

1/125  F11  ISO 1600

1/125  F36  ISO Auto

1/125  F6.3  ISO Auto

1/160 F6.3 ISO Auto

1/160  F22  ISO 6400

1/160  F13  ISO 3200

1/20  F13  ISO 800

1/8  F13  ISO 800

1/8  F32  ISO 800

1/30  F22 ISO 1600

1/30  F29  ISO 100

1/1400  F5.6  ISO 6400

                                                              Bulb  F36  ISO 100




Camera settings questions


What are the options? 

The Aperture Options we had varied from F5.6-F36.

Why would you choose one of the other?

You would choose them depending on several factors like how much depth of field you wanted and how much exposure the lense had.

White Balance

How do you change the white balance?

You change the white balance by clicking the down key on the d-pad while on the display menu. This will bring you to the white balance menu.

Why would you?

To control the colours seen in the photo. It gives you a lot of creative control over the photo.

Shutter speed

What shutter speeds are there? 

From 30 Seconds to 1/4000 of a second.

Which is best for showing the speed of an object?

The quicker the shutter speed the better for capturing photos of fast motion.

Which is best for capturing a fast moving object in perfect stillness?

The slower Shutter Speed.


Which is best for blowing the image up very large?

100 ISO
400 ISO

Which is best for very low light?

100 ISO
400 ISO
3200 ISO

Which is best for very low light where the detail of the image is important, and you want to blow it up large?

100 ISO
400 ISO
3200 ISO

Photoshop Skills

la Haine scene analysis

La Haine Reshoot video and side by side video

180 Bench Shoot

Shoot 1 -


Shoot 2 -

Shoot 1


Shoot 2


What genre did you decide to make the scene?

We tried to make the scene a Dramatic Comedy .

Why did you decide on the scenario you chose?

We chose to do this scenario as we believed it would be best suited for showing the 180 degree rule with the different over the shoulder shots.

Were there any issues with the group?


Would you work with the same people again (any concerns about specific people tell me in class not on the blog!)?

Some of the people.

Did you know exactly what your role was?


What was it?

My Role throughout all the shots were Director, then Producer/Actor then Audio.

Did you perform your role alright? (Were you pleased/were there issues?)

I believe so.

How was the group’s timekeeping?

On the first shoot, it was not very good, however, on the second we split it well.

Who was in charge of this?


Who did what in the group?

We rotated roles per shoot. Liam was on Camera and Producer. Sam was Actor and Producer. Tom was Actor and Director. Finn was Actor and Audio and Rob was assistant camera operator.

Who was the best in their role?


Looking at the final edit, what would you change if you were to shoot again?

Angle of over the shoulder shots.

Was the brief clear (if not, why do you say that)?


Did you run through the performances first (blocking them out, rehearsing)?


Did you meet the brief first time around? If not, what was the feedback?

No, we had to re-shoot. We received feedback some of our shots could be improved on.

Look carefully at the first three-five cuts you made. Why did you make them then?

To make sure the subject was in frame and could be seen.

J-Cut, L-Cut, Cut.

What could happen next in the film? 

Person One could go on to find FKA Twigs.
