1.2 Script Writing

1.2 Script Writing

Task 1

On the 1st of August 2019 Eddie and his family were high up in the towering, jagged and menacing Colorado Mountains. The family went to the mountains with the hope of finding an experience that will get adrenaline pumping.

It was in a mountain town found eleven-thousand feet above sea level where the locals ran cafe's and shops up alongside those adventurous ones who ran white water rafting down one out of three rivers in America that is commercially rafted. This rafting activity would be where the family decided to go.

The Rafting started at a choppy landing where Eddie and his father worked with the boat leader to tug the boat into the roaring river before the rest of the group haul their bodies into the boat.

The journey down the river started in calmer waters. Then all of a sudden we came to intensifying section of the river, the current increased and the water became white with anger. "Right two" shouted the boat leader, followed by many more instructions In order to prevent us from smashing into the murderous rocks at the side of the river. As the boat edged it's way down the ever-intensifying river it came towards a large drop which the boat would go over. JJ - the boat leader - saw this and asked 'What is everyone doing out in Colorado?" "We are on holiday" replied Eddie. "We are rafting as many rivers in the US as we can" replied another. Suddenly, the boat flung itself over the drop causing all its inhabitants to come flying out of their seats. "Holy fu..." screamed one of the others in the boat before being promptly interrupted by JJ shouting "Forward Three".

Later on down the river we experienced the most intense part. As we all got bashed around by the raging water however we continued to work as a group to get ourselves through it and come to a stop!

Task 2 -

What is the perspective it is written in?


Is a script written in past, present or future tense?


On average, how much of the script is spent describing what is going on (answer as a percentage)?


List different things that were described or could be described in the "action" part of the script:

Characters, Props, Clothing, Setting

Task 3


Int or Ext - Location - Time of Day | New one needed every time that time of day or location changes. 
If scene transitions you can write Int. / Ext. in the slugline.

Action Line

Describes what Is happening in the scene.
Should only be visual Info - things you can actually see on screen.
First time we see a character in script, name should be in all caps.


Goes below an Action Line and let's you know who is talking.


Characters words are below Characters Name.

Character Parenthetical

Tells reader if the character is doing something other than standard talking to another on screen. (Voice Over, Off Screen, Into Phone, etc)

Dialogue Parenthetical 

Control how peopled are saying the Dialogue. Right below Character and just Above Dialogue. Can be used to show other languages.

Do not want to use them too much, you are not the director.


Come at end of scene. Explains kind of transition. (Cut to:)
Should only want to use a cut through when trying to emphasise something.

Task 4 -

Task 5

This was my redraft of the story but this time written in screenplay format. This included the use
of Slug-lines, Action, Character and Dialogue.

Task 6

In this task I redrafted my screenplay. I really wanted to focus on the action this time. I did this
by adding more descriptive language such as simile's to help ensure that the correct tone is presented in the screenplay. I also added more Action to help describe the situation.

Task 7

In this task, I once again redrafted but focused on the Dialogue aspect. When I did a table read of the script before this draft, the dialogue did not feel like how normal human conversation would go. This is why I redrafted it to feel more realistic. I also added parenthetical's to make the tone more apparent in the dialogue.

Task 9
